Monday, April 20, 2009

show season is here

Well the first bug show of the season is done. If you did not get a chance to join us in Chattanooga , you missed a good event. With the arrival  of most of the camper peeps on Friday night. the party was on. For those that don't do the camping thing at 2 day shows, you all are missing half of the fun. With being able to walk the swap meet early, and seeing old friend. It is well worth effort, and it is quite a bit cheaper.
 I like sitting around the camp fire, and watching the drunken  ass hattery, listening, (and telling ) tall tales. It is almost a sure bet that someone ends up clean up the result of to much fun,  and this year was no different, but I digress. At the time of asshattery it  is always entertaining, even if the end result, ends up in 'clean up isle 6'. 
 There was lots of nice cars at this show, and some that are not so nice, but they are on the road, and is what I like to see. I always look forward to seeing  what people have done over the winter.
 As I wrote in a previous post  We were one of the sponsors of this show. The charity of this show was Ronald McDonald House. It is a good organization , and worthy of our support .I spoke with some of the club members of the Scenic City volks folks , and I was told that the first day revenue was more than the previous years totals for both days.
 363 days to bug a plauza  12